Monday, January 26, 2009

"If you don't do it this year, you'll be one year older when you do."

The title quote of this, my first blog entry, by Warren Miller, reminds me of how important it is to set out to do the things you want to try before you look back and realize the moment has passed you by. I've always thought of keeping a blog but honestly just couldn't be bothered. However I'm about to make a big change in my life and thought this would be a good way to share my journey with others.

In about 45 days, I'll officially be entering the wide world of travel nursing. This is something I've really wanted to do for a long, long time...and finally I'm taking hold of that desire. Growing up, my Dad was in the Coast Guard which meant moving around a decent amount. I'm pretty used to starting over, and I'm realizing that it's really the only life I know. At this point, when things start feeling comfortable and routine, then I know it's time to go somewhere new. I'm sure deep down on a psychological level, that's got to mean something. But I'm young, free as a bird, and lucky enough to be in a profession that allows me to just pick a place and go. Can't argue with that.

So what is travel nursing, exactly? To break it down, it exists because of the fluctuating nursing shortage around the country. Hundreds of travel agencies connect nurses, respiratory therapists, physical therapists, and other healthcare modalities to facilities around the world that have gaps in their staffing. Think of it as a temp job covering for people on maternity leave or an unexpected loss of staff. Generally, travel assignments are contracted for 13 weeks, and sometimes those assignments can be extended upon completion if the need remains. To get things going, you choose an agency (there are many) and a recruiter, who is like your agent. The recruiter acts as a middle man who takes care of all the job searching, paper work, etc. Once you create a profile and your recruiter submits it to hiring hospitals, you cross your fingers and hope for a good gig. After signing a contract, you are hooked up with free private housing (or a stipend), and lots of other reimbursements that make the whole thing totally worth it.

Initially I was getting nervous about the jump-off because now is not one of the greatest times to be a travel nurse. Because of the economic crisis that our country continues to struggle with, hospitals have had to make a lot of cutbacks in their budget, and this includes travelers. This made the whole job hunting thing a little trickier than I thought. Yet with a whole lotta luck, and some awesome persistence by my kickass recruiter, I was able to land a position in one of my top choices: San Francisco.

What were my other top choices? Based on places I want to "get to know better," cities I want to conquer that I've never spent time in, and to beef up my resume by working at a particular hospital, the list, in no particular order, is: Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, San Diego, and Austin. We'll see what happens.

So here I am...contract signed, the near future open ahead of me and waiting. I'm now counting down the workdays until I leave MUSC (8 as of 0730 today), and that I leave Charleston (tentatively 28). I'm planning on making a somewhat extended southern-route coast-to-coast road trip. Be warned if you have a couch. I plan on sharing stories, culinary and adult beverage establishment reviews, the music and films that get me by, photos, and I'm sure the occasional random thought/opinion or two on this blog. So if you're still with me...I hope you enjoy.

Top 10 of the Week (1/18-1/24)
1. First time at Surf Bar in Folly Beach. Dangermuffin played.
2. Watching the Inauguration of President Barack Obama.
3. Last time being in charge at work.
4. Trivia at Recovery Room with cans of PBR and a lot of laughs.
5. Finally faxed alllllllll paperwork to travel agency.
6. Played a RockBand song on "Expert" on the drums and got 90%.
7. Lunch w/ Karen @ Mustard Seed on James Island. Yum.
8. Keller Williams at Music Farm. In the front.
9. Good times w/ good people at Taco Boy.
10. A fun night in w/ coworkers at the house.